Our Foundation is
Jesus Christ
1 Corinthians 3:11
Our Mission
To glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment
Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 22:37-39
Six Pillars
The foundation of our church is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The Six Pillars sum up what Mission City Bible Church is all about.
Fervent Prayer
Dependent and expectant (Ephesians 6:18)
Intentional and in community (Ephesians 4:11-16)
Spirit and truth (John 4:24)
Word and deed (Matthew 9:36-38)
Expository and applicational (1 Corinthians 2:1-5)
Together and around the World (Matthew 16:18b)
3W’s of Discipleship
Mature disciples worship Christ, walk with Christ, and work for Christ.
At Mission City we emphasize a quality of discipleship, not a quantity of disciples.
Worship Christ
Experience the sufficiency and express the supremacy of Christ through a lifestyle of worship.
Walk with Christ
Faithful reading of God’s Word, prayer, and fellowship with other believers.
Work for Christ
Minister to one another and serve in the capacity each person has been gifted with

Kevin Weeks
Lead Pastor of Preaching & Teaching

Jeff Kendrick
Lead Pastor of Ministry & Vision

Ellie Kendrick
Care Coordinator for Discipleship Ministries & Office Admin

John Goossen
Director of Adult Discipleship

Matt Bunch
Pastor Of Youth Discipleship

Luke Imre
Director of Kids Discipleship

Kristina Schuit
Welcome Team Lead

Azin Zurbuchen
Hospitality Coordinator

Lisa Stulen
Medical Team Lead
Our History
In early 2003, God placed a calling and a dream within a small group of people to see a Hope Bible Church come to the Greater Toronto Area. Through supernatural circumstances, a core group of people was formed and the momentum was building. It wasn’t long before ideas were being articulated, prayer meetings were being scheduled and plans were underway for the launch of the second Canadian Hope Bible Church.
A Bible study began in the summer of 2003 in response to the demand from people who were passionate about this church plant. The first Bible study met in a local office space. When those quarters became too tight, the Bible study was moved to a church basement in Mississauga. By the grace of God this core group continued to grow and develop and attract high quality disciples of Christ. It was in the early fall of 2003 that God clearly led the leadership from HBC Oakville to be connected with the leadership from Calvary Baptist Church in Oakville. In what can only be described as miraculous, God arranged for Calvary Baptist Church to become Hope Bible Church Oakville, which included giving Hope their church building, their property and, most importantly, their people. This was an incredible process that presented many challenges. However, this kind of unprecedented event was a sign of what God was up to and what He will do to accomplish His will in building His Church!
Since 2009, the Lord has continued to build His church through Hope Oakville by planting churches in Brampton (2009), Niagara (2011), Toronto West (2013), Brantford (2014), Kelowna BC (2014), and more on the way.
In the summer of 2011, six people gathered together in Brantford and started to pray for God to do things in their city that only He could do. Over time, a growing number of people from the Brantford area began attending Hope Bible Church in Oakville. It was during this season that God started to knit their hearts together around a common vision for a church in Brantford that was committed to the Hope philosophy of ministry. With the Elders at Hope Oakville, this group continued to pray and to wait for the Lord to open doors for the gospel in Brantford through Mission City Bible Church.
Healthy things multiply, and over the next two-and-a-half years, this small group of six grew into a larger community of people calling out to the Lord for a glimpse of His glory. As it has always been the case, God has been faithful and has answered the prayers of His people. In the summer of 2013, the Elders at Hope Oakville discerned that the time was right to plant a new church in Brantford.
Much work and great effort goes into planting a church, but may this one fact never be forgotten: Mission City Bible Church began with a small group of people humbling themselves before the Lord and asking Him for great things. By His grace, we will remain in that posture of humility before Him, for apart from Jesus Christ we can do nothing.
Great Commission Collective...
As the church planting ministry of Harvest Bible Fellowship grew it became apparent that reorganization in the way we multiply churches was needed and a movement toward decentralization and regionalization began.
In 2017, a new church planting movement, The Great Commission Collective (GCC), was formed. In January of 2018 Mission City Bible Church joined the GCC.
We are grateful for our rich heritage, and now move forward with a renewed passion to be a worshipping and sending church in the GCC.
Church Government
The Bible’s teaching on the subject of two church offices is found in 1 Timothy 3:1-16 and Titus 1:5-9. Although there are three terms used for the offices of the church: bishop, elder, and deacon, analysis of these terms indicates that bishop and elder are used interchangeably.
What We Believe About...
Reports & Policies
Accessibility Policy
Accessibility Policy
(AODA) Policy
Accessibility Ontario Video
(AODA) Training Video
AODA Customer Service Training Confirmation
(AODA) Form
Privacy Policy
Mission City Privacy Policy
Prepared January 2022
We believe that current and future staff members of Mission City Bible Church must have a clear sense of calling to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and those He calls to be part of our church family in Brantford. We highly value team members who strive for a spirit of humility and excellence in their service to the Lord and His church. In addition to a particular role a staff member might fill, we expect that each staff member will joyfully serve as part of the church body on weekends or as part of mid-week ministries of Mission City.
Open positions will be posted here. If you are interested in any positions listed here, please submit a personal resume via email to jobs@missioncitybiblechurch.ca . Please only submit resumes when positions are open and posted below. If you are presently attending Mission City Bible Church but you are not currently serving, we would encourage you to start serving before applying for any position of employment. Please note that only applicants considered for these positions will be contacted. Thank you for your prayerful consideration of how to best serve the Lord and His church.
Part Time Office Administrator & Finance Liaison
We are currently searching for the next person to join our team, and have a Part Time Office Administrator & Finance Liaison position posted as of Sunday February 9, 2025 for two weeks.
If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit a personal resume via email to jobs@missioncitybiblechurch.ca
If you are presently attending Mission City Bible Church but you are not currently serving, we would encourage you to start serving before applying for any position of employment. Please note that only applicants considered for these positions will be contacted. Thank you for your prayerful consideration of how to best serve the Lord and His church.
Here is a downloadable PDF of the Job Description: