Mission City Women

October 2020

Thank you friend for visiting our ministry page. Though regular Women’s Ministry Bible study classes and in person ministry activities have been put on hold because of the pandemic, we want to take this opportunity to encourage you in the Lord Jesus Christ! 

God’s Word cannot be chained (2 Tim 2:8-9) and the gospel cannot be stopped (Phil 1:12-14). God promises that His word will go out with power and purpose (Isa 55:10-11) regardless of current restrictions!  What a great and awesome God we have.  There is indeed none like Him!

I would like to take a moment to share something that God through His Spirit has been teaching me lately.

I have been spending time digesting and meditating on the book of Titus.  Again. Unpacking it verse by verse.

I know that many of you know and are familiar with the section referring to women in chapter 2. But what the Holy Spirit has been impressing in my spirit to a greater degree is NOT so much the things we are supposed to be doing and teaching as women, (which are important), but the REASON FOR AND POWER TO committing ourself to this.  The WHY we are to seek to live this out and the HOW we can live this out.

You see the discipleship that Paul is talking about can only happen when we know, understand and adhere to sound doctrine and sit under it within a local Bible preaching church (Titus 1:1-3 / 2:1,11-15 / 3:3-7).  And more specifically, the sound doctrine of the gospel…the good news that God is the Savior of sinners.  Even after we come to Jesus Christ in repentance for our sinful and independent life, and faith entrusting ourselves to Him, we never move away from our need for hearing, having our thinking renewed and our hearts cleansed and revived with the transforming doctrine of God’s grace.  And the ONLY Source of this saving grace is found in Christ Himself, the One who ‘gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works (Titus 2:14).

So ladies, may I humbly suggest that we choose the ‘one good thing’ (Luke 10:42) and sit in the presence of Jesus and let the truths from these gospel verses wash over us…Chew on one little phrase at a time and pray through it. Entreat your heavenly father to show you where you have been slipping back into YOUR DOING and YOUR SELF RELIANCE in your daily striving to be the godly woman that Titus describes. 

I pray that our lives will be increasingly reflecting the beauty of the gospel!  Together.

We also want to let you know that if you desire to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ and are not currently in a small group here at MCBC, then you can still request to be placed in one.  Please email info@missioncitybiblechurch.ca and inquire about that.

 You are loved!

Summer Women’s Book Study

Women's book studies take place periodically throughout the year.  Visit CHURCHCENTRE for more info.

Click here for ChurchCentre

Stacey Weeks
Women's Book study Leader

Mission City Women's Ministry is centred on the gospel of Jesus Christ which continues to be the life-giving message of truth and power needed and relevant to all women.

As a ministry within this local church, we are intentionally seeking:

  • to present opportunities for Christian women to become spiritually mature disciples of Jesus Christ, growing in Biblical knowledge, joy and holiness
  • to nurture deeper relationships with one another for godly influence, encouragement and accountability and
  • to be better equipped as disciple makers for the glory of God. We continue to believe that as we are being transformed to be more like Christ by God's grace, through the obedience of faith, we naturally become effective witnesses to the lost.

As partners in the gospel, we are laboring for each other's progress and joy in the faith so that we may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus (Phil 1:5-6/25-26).

Mission City Women's Ministry is centred on the gospel of Jesus Christ which calls women into a saving relationship with God through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ alone (Mark 1:14-15). For those who turn and trust Christ, the glory of the gospel continues to be the core powerful truth that the Holy Spirit uses to transform us into the image of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 3:18 | 1 Thess. 2:12-14).

As a ministry, we are intentionally seeking to present opportunities for Christian women: - to grow in Biblical knowledge and holiness - to nurture deeper relationships with one another for godly influence, encouragement and accountability - to be better equipped as disciple makers for the glory of God.

As women who are partakers of grace (v7) and partners in the gospel (v5), we seek to honour Christ by our life (v20-21), through fruitful labor for each other’s progress and joy in the faith (v22- 25) so that we may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus (v26). Philippians 1


Women’s Bible Study’s are taking a break this fall. Keeping checking back for regular updates. For more information, please email the office at info@missioncitybiblechurch.ca

 Women’s Bible Studies usually runs on Tuesday Mornings from 9:30-11:30am at our Administrative Offices.

Registration will be opening soon!

Visit our EVENTS page to see when the next study is.
For more information on our Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study, please email us.

  • Please bring your Bible and a notebook.
  • Please note that childcare is not provided.


Mission City Women's Bible Study Leader