
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7


Below are several ways to help you in your faithfulness to the Lord through giving. If you have any questions or concerns, please email


Giving online or through the Church Centre App is an opportunity for you to give via Credit Card:

Give Online Here


Pre-Authorized giving is an opportunity for you to give on a regular set schedule from your Bank Account:



We are excited to offer e-transfers. To do this, the following instructions MUST BE followed:

1.  IMPORTANT: Please be sure to include your full name and address in the message section of the e- transfer. This info is necessary in order to issue a tax receipt for your donation. Some bank institutions have limited characters in the message section. If you are not able to fit your info in the message section, please send an email with your full name, address, date of the e-transfer and the amount of your donation to
2.  Add Mission City Bible Church as a new e-transfer recipient with the email address:
3.  As you make the transfer, select Mission City Bible Church as the recipient (that you set up in step 1) 
4.  Please DO NOT set a security question as Mission City has auto deposit set up


For those that are not able to use our online giving options, we will have an offering box out on the connections desk along with blank offering envelopes. It will be out from the end of the first service until the beginning of the second service. If you are currently giving online or are able to do so, it would be greatly appreciated if you could give in that way which will help in reducing administrative needs.

Mission City Guiding Principles for Giving

Financial Statements & Policies

September 2023 to August 2024

Audited Financial Statement

Donor Restricted Gift Policy


Over the past couple of months we have been greatly encouraged to see how so many in our church family have responded to the LORD by making sacrifices to help and serve people in our church family and in our community. In that same spirit, we want to be a blessing to those close by and to those far away. This Christmas, would you consider giving financially above and beyond your regular giving to the Lord by contributing to our Mission City Christmas Offering?

You are able to give to this offering online until 11:59pm December 31st through this page or the ChurchCenter APP.
If you have any questions, please reach out to

We are committed to sending 100% of our Christmas offering to the following ministries:

  • LOCAL:

WhyNot Youth Centre  At Why Not Youth Centre, we believe that every young person is important and deserves all the help they can get to overcome their challenges and meet their goals. Every teen who comes through our door is struggling in some way, be it with homelessness, mobility, bullying, or unsafe living conditions. When we’re doing our job right, they are safe, get the help that they need, and move forward with their lives.

Organized Kaos  Organized Kaos exists to apprentice young people in life and trade inspiring hope and purpose. We offer a safe environment in which young people work and learn alongside skilled trades persons from local churches.


Safe Families Safe Families is a movement fuelled by compassion to keep children safe and families intact. Safe Families temporarily hosts children and provides a network of support for families in crisis while they get back on their feet. Safe Families volunteers serve without compensation and are motivated by the compassion and grace that they first received through Jesus Christ.

Onside Athletics  Connecting churches to communities through sport. The Christian faith will be at the centre of all that we do and will be an integral part of all of our activities both in words and actions. Our desire is to strengthen and nurture families by serving and striving to make all programs and activities with our partners geared towards the whole family. We intend to be known for our determined pursuit of quality, the integrity of our relationships, the clarity of our communication, and our accountability with the human and financial resources entrusted to us. We will strive to provide opportunities for all participants to be mentored and coached with character and commitment in order to teach them how to be God-honouring leaders within their family, church and community.